Die Milchstraße: Ein genauerer Blick auf den Warp

The researchers from the Sloan Digital Sky survey have reported most detailed look at the warp of our home Galaxis  

Normalerweise denkt man an Spirale Galaxien as a flat disc rotating around its centre but about 60-70% of the spiral galaxies including our home Galaxis Milky Way have discs with a slight warp or twist.  

Über den Warp oder Twist in unserem Haus war nicht viel bekannt Galaxis wegen der Position des Sonnensystems innerhalb der Milchstraße  

Die Forscher des Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), einem Konsortium mehrerer Forschungsorganisationen, das sich der Erstellung detailliertester dreidimensionaler Karten widmet Universum, after carefully studying the positions and motions of Sterne all over the Milky Way have traced out the warp. They have reported findings that the Milky Way’s disc is warped and the wrap travels around the Galaxis alle 440 Millionen Jahre einmal.  

The analysis showed that the twist or the warp is caused by the ripple or the wave travelling through the Milky Way causing individual Sterne to move up and down. The twist or the warp is continuing gravitational ripple passing through the Galaxis caused most likely due to interaction with the satellite Galaxis vor etwa 3 Milliarden Jahren.  

Interestingly, our home Galaxis Milky Way is expected to collide with the Andromeda galaxy in about 4 billion years from now when both the galaxies will merge with each other.  



The Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2021. Pressemitteilung – Die Milchstraße macht die Welle. Veröffentlicht am 15. Januar 2021. Online verfügbar unter https://www.sdss.org/press-releases/the-milky-way-does-the-wave/  


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